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Options Delta Explained: Meaning, Examples, How it Works

What Is Delta?

Delta is a critical risk parameter that reports on the sensitivity of an option’s value to changes in the price of the associated underlying. This is critical because ultimately, all market participants want to understand why they are making or losing money in an options position as it relates to movement in the underlying.

Along those lines, the delta of an option reports how much an option will theoretically change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

Delta Definition

Delta estimates the amount a position should gain or lose with a 1-point change in the underlying price.

Understanding delta is critical to the management of risk in a portfolio.

It should be noted that the term “delta” may also be used in other contexts. For example, delta may also refer to the following:

  • Underlying share equivalency
  • Hedge ratio
  • Probability of the stock expiring $0.01 beyond the strike of the option (in-the-money)

In addition to the above, the term delta may also be used to denote general directional bias. For example, “positive delta” typically refers to a bullish directional bias, whereas “negative delta” typically refers to a bearish directional bias. As such, long calls and short puts are “delta positive,” whereas short calls and long puts are “delta negative.”

What are the greeks?

The "Greeks,” as they are known collectively, are five parameters which include delta, gamma, theta, vega and rho. Each Greek describes a different dimension of risk in an options position, which means the Greeks are typically used to help traders risk-manage individual options positions, as well as the overall portfolio.

Option GreekSensitivity Measure for Changes In...

Delta (Δ)

Price of the underlying security

Gamma (Γ)


Theta (Θ)

Days to expiration


Implied volatility

Rho (Ρ)

Risk-free rate

Source: CBOE.com


Delta is arguably the best-known Greek because it reports on the sensitivity of an option's value to changes in the associated underlying stock or ETF. This is critical because ultimately all market participants want to understand why they are making or losing money in an options position as it relates to movement in the underlying.

Along those lines, the delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

For example, if a call option is worth $3.00 and has a delta of 0.50, and the underlying increases from $50 to $51 per share, then the value of that option theoretically increases by $0.50—from $3.00 to $3.50. That might be good or bad for the position, depending on if it is a long option, or a short option.

Call options have deltas between 0 and 1, because as the underlying asset increases in price, call options increase in price—and vice versa. Alternatively, put options have deltas between -1 and 0, because as the underlying increases in value, put options decrease in value—and vice versa.


Gamma reports by how much the delta of a given option will theoretically increase or decrease for each dollar move in the underlying. The value for gamma ranges between 0 and 1.

Looking at an example, imagine that a long call option worth $1.00 has a delta of 0.40 and a gamma of 0.10. Now imagine that the underlying increases in value by $1. In this example, that means that the gamma (0.10) must be added to the old delta (0.40) to get the new delta of the option (0.10 + 0.40 = 0.50).


Theta is the Greek that measures the rate of change in an option's theoretical value relative to the passage of time. This concept is often referred to as "time decay," because all else being equal, options lose value as they get closer to expiration.

For example, if an option is worth $1 with five days until expiration, the theta of that option might be equal to $0.20. That means for each day that passes, the option will theoretically lose $0.20 in value per day.


Vega is the Greek that measures an option's sensitivity to the changes in the volatility of the underlying. Vega is one of the “Greeks,” but it is the only one of the five that is not actually represented by a Greek letter.

Vega is typically expressed as the amount of money that an option's value will gain or lose when volatility rises or falls by 1%. Theoretically, all options (both calls and puts) gain in value when volatility rises, and vice versa.

Options with longer dated maturities generally have a higher percentage of vega than closer dated maturities. Additionally, vega is typically higher for at-the-money (ATM) options as compared to out-of-the-money (OTM) options.


When it comes to changes in the interest rate environment, rho is the greek of choice—rho measures the sensitivity of an option's value to changes in interest rates.

Rho can be overlooked at times, because interest rates often remain stagnant for many months (or many years) at a time. For this reason, rho doesn't generate the same type of buzz as delta, gamma, theta and vega.

But it's still important that market participants understand how rho works, and how changes in interest rates can affect the options market.

Mathematically, rho represents the amount that an option will gain or lose in value for every 1% move in interest rates.

For example, imagine a given option is worth $2.00 and has a positive rho of $0.50. If interest rates increase by 1%, that option would theoretically increase in value by $0.50, and be worth $2.50. Alternatively, if interest rates were to drop by 1%, then the option would be worth $1.50.

It's the same with negative rho options but reversed. For example, an option worth $2.00 with a negative rho of $0.50 would see its value decline to $1.50 if interest rates increased by 1%. Alternatively, that same option would rise in value to $2.50 if interest rates dropped by 1%.

Rho is positive for long calls and short puts, and rho is negative for short calls and long puts. In other words, an increase in interest rate is generally good news for long calls and short puts, whereas a decrease in rates tends to benefit short calls and long puts.

In general, rho tends to play a bigger role in the value of longer-term options, as opposed to near-term options (much like vega). Rho also tends to be larger for at-the-money (ATM) options, as compared to out-of-the-money (OTM) options.

How does delta work in options?

The delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

For example, if a call option is worth $3.00 and has a delta of 0.50, and the underlying increases from $50 to $51 per share, then the value of that option theoretically increases by $0.50—from $3.00 to $3.50. That might be good or bad for the position, depending on if it is a long option, or a short option.

Call options have deltas between 0 and 1, because as the underlying asset increases in price, call options increase in price—and vice versa. Alternatively, put options have deltas between -1 and 0, because as the underlying increases in value, put options decrease in value—and vice versa.

Using a put in an example, imagine a put option that’s worth $5.00 with a delta of -0.30. If the underlying increases in value by $1.00, then the put option will decline in value from $5.00 to $4.70. But if the underlying declines in value by $1.00, the put option will increase in value from $5.00 to $5.30.

It should be noted that delta is dynamic, meaning that its value changes as the underlying stock fluctuates.

At-the-money (ATM) options generally have deltas around 0.50 for calls, and -0.50 for puts. As expiration draws closer, the deltas for in-the-money (ITM) options rise toward 1 (for calls) or decline toward -1 (for puts). For out-of-the-money (OTM) options, delta moves toward zero as expiration draws closer.

Delta: long vs short options

As most market participants are aware, options can be bought or sold. But whether it's a long option or a short option, delta works the same way. The difference relates to profit and loss.

For example, imagine a trader owns a $1.00 call option with a delta of 0.30. If the underlying increases in value by $1, that means the call option will increase in value from $1.00 to $1.30. That’s obviously a positive for the call owner, as the position increases in value.

Now imagine the same scenario, except that the trader is short the $1.00 option with a delta of 0.30.

If the underlying increases in value by $1, that means the call option increases in value from $1.00 to $1.30. But in this case, that’s a negative development, because the trader is short the option, and loses money as the call option increases in value.

For the trader holding the short call, the ideal scenario would be for the underlying to decline in value, or for volatility to decline. If the underlying declines in value by $1.00, the call option will also theoretically decline in value, from $1.00 to $0.70. If volatility declines, the option should likewise lose value.

Under those scenarios, the trader that sold the call benefits as the call declines in value, which is obviously the preferred outcome for that position.

Puts operate in the exact same fashion. When a long put increases in value, the owner of the put gains, while the seller of the put loses. And when a put decreases in value, the owner of the put loses, while the seller of the put gains. Delta merely provides an estimate by which traders can estimate how much they will make or lose, based on incremental $1 moves in the underlying.

Delta example in options trading

Delta is arguably the best-known Greek because it reports on the sensitivity of an option's value to changes in the associated underlying stock or ETF. The delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

For example, if a call option is worth $3.00 and has a delta of 0.50, and the underlying increases from $50 to $51 per share, then the value of that option theoretically increases by $0.50—from $3.00 to $3.50. That might be good or bad for the position, depending on if it is a long option, or a short option.

Call options have deltas between 0 and 1, because as the underlying asset increases in price, call options increase in price—and vice versa. Alternatively, put options have deltas between -1 and 0, because as the underlying increases in value, put options decrease in value—and vice versa.

Using a put in an example, imagine a put option that’s worth $5.00 with a delta of -0.30. If the underlying increases in value by $1.00, then the put option will decline in value from $5.00 to $4.70. But if the underlying declines in value by $1.00, the put option will increase in value from $5.00 to $5.30.


The delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

Call options have deltas between 0 and 1, because as the underlying asset increases in price, call options increase in price—and vice versa. Alternatively, put options have deltas between -1 and 0, because as the underlying increases in value, put options decrease in value—and vice versa.

“Delta neutral” refers to an options trading approach/strategy that attempts to minimize directional exposure in a single position, multiple positions, or the overall portfolio.

Using what’s known as a hedge ratio, traders buy or sell the underlying stock against an options position to hedge the position “delta neutral.”

For example, imagine a trader sells 100 call contracts with 0.40 delta in stock XYZ. To hedge the position “delta neutral,” the trader would then use the hedge ratio to calculate the number of shares to purchase against the short calls.

The hedge ratio is calculated as follows: number of contracts traded x delta of the option x the option multiplier. That equates to 4,000 shares, because (100 contracts x 0.40 delta x 100 option multiplier = 4,000).

To hedge the 100 short calls “delta neutral,” the trader would therefore need to purchase 4,000 shares of stock against the position.

When an options trade is hedged delta neutral, it’s said to be a more of a “pure play” on volatility, because the hedge helps to minimize directional risk.

As such, the general goal of delta neutral trading is to “mute” directional exposure, with the intent of isolating the volatility component of the trade.

Delta is neither good nor bad, it is simply a parameter that measures risk in an options position, particularly as it relates to movement in the underlying.

The delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

Call options have deltas between 0 and 1, because as the underlying asset increases in price, call options increase in price—and vice versa. Alternatively, put options have deltas between -1 and 0, because as the underlying increases in value, put options decrease in value—and vice versa.

At-the-money (ATM) options generally have deltas around 0.50 for calls, and -0.50 for puts. As expiration draws closer, the deltas for in-the-money (ITM) options rise toward 1 (for calls) or decline toward -1 (for puts). For out-of-the-money (OTM) options, delta moves toward zero as expiration draws closer.

The delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

For example, if a call option is worth $3.00 and has a delta of 0.50, and the underlying increases from $50 to $51 per share, then the value of that option theoretically increases by $0.50—from $3.00 to $3.50. That might be good or bad for the position, depending on if it is a long option, or a short option.

Call options have deltas between 0 and 1, because as the underlying asset increases in price, call options increase in price—and vice versa. Alternatively, put options have deltas between -1 and 0, because as the underlying increases in value, put options decrease in value—and vice versa.

Using a put in an example, imagine a put option that’s worth $5.00 with a delta of -0.30. If the underlying increases in value by $1.00, then the put option will decline in value from $5.00 to $4.70. But if the underlying declines in value by $1.00, the put option will increase in value from $5.00 to $5.30.

Delta is a parameter that measures risk in an options position, particularly as it relates to movement in the underlying. The delta of an option reports how much an option will change in value for every $1 move in the underlying security.

As most market participants are aware, options can be bought or sold. But whether it's a long option or a short option, delta works the same way. The difference relates to profit and loss.

For example, imagine a trader owns a $1.00 call option with a delta of 0.30. If the underlying increases in value by $1, that means the call option will increase in value from $1.00 to $1.30. That’s obviously a positive for the call owner, as the position has increased in value.

Now imagine the same scenario, except that the trader is short the $1.00 option with a delta of 0.30.

If the underlying increases in value by $1, that means the call option increases in value from $1.00 to $1.30. But in this case, that’s a negative development, because the trader is short the option, and loses money as the call option increases in value.

For the trader holding the short call, the ideal scenario would be for the underlying to decline in value. If the underlying declines in value by $1.00, the call option will also theoretically decline in value, from $1.00 to $0.70.

Under this scenario, the trader that sold the call benefits as the call declines in value, which is obviously the preferred outcome for that position.

Puts operate in the exact same fashion. When a long put increases in value, the owner of the put gains, while the seller of the put loses. And when a put decreases in value, the owner of the put loses, while the seller of the put gains.

Delta may also be used to refer to the “moneyness” of an option, which is the degree that an option is in-the-money (ITM), out-of-the-money (OTM) or at-the-money (ATM).

For example, a 0.10 delta call is OTM, a 0.50 delta call is ATM, and an 0.80 delta call is ITM.

Based on this usage, some market participants use delta to loosely estimate the probability that a given option will expire in-the-money.

Under this framework, a 0.50 delta option may therefore be referred to as having a 50% chance of finishing in the money, while a 0.10 delta option may be referred to as having a 10% chance of finishing in the money.

It should be noted that this is not a scientific system for predicting the actual likelihood of a given option actually finishing in the money, it is mostly used as a “rule-of-thumb.”

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