The Catering Trader, Day-Trading 1DTE and Trumps Regulation Plan: Catch Up on What You Missed!
By:Ryan Gaynor
Meet Gary, an engineer-turned-trader who used his options-trading experience to make an unexpected career move—buying a catering business despite having no culinary background. Discover how his trading mindset helped him spot opportunity in an unlikely place and how he balances running a successful business while consistently generating solid trading returns.
Strategize with 1 DTE options for accounts under $25,000 and mitigate PDT risk. Instead of same-day trades or trading 0 DTE options, watch how to sell at close and manage at open with 1 DTE options. This technique showed 67%+ win rates in our two-year study. Straddles and 40-delta strangles showed the highest profitability, offering small-account traders a potential alternative to traditional day-trading.
How much regulation is enough and how much is too much? Markets need some regulation in order to give investors confidence. You have to know the market is legitimate if you're going to invest in it. But too much regulation can prohibit growth. Finding the balance is the challenge. On today's episode, Tom Sosnoff and Dylan Ratigan discuss finding the sweet spot of market regulation.
Ryan Gaynor is a video content specialist at tastylive.
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Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before deciding to invest in options.