Tom and Tony interview tastylivers from around the globe! Learn more about them in the video and get some more detail about their options and futures trading journeys below.
Claudiu from Romania -- A former casino dealer, he began trading only 18 months ago. He likes to keep 50% of his portfolio capital in reserve, but enjoys selling covered calls and naked puts. Find out why he likes to diversify and manage risk on order entry!
Derek from Ireland -- Derek started watching trading a year ago and has been trading full time since 2019. He enjoys trading small and managing positions early. Find out why he thinks trading is comparable to one of his favorite pastimes, rugby!
Lee from Taiwan -- Originally a New Jersey native, Lee and his wife bought one way tickets to Taipei during the pandemic and haven't looked back. He prefers to keep his position entry and management to only a few hours a day. Get his reason for preferring futures options and why his favorite show on the network is LAST CALL!
Sudheer in Canada -- Sudheer grew up in India and currently resides in Ontario. Like many tastylive viewers, Sudheer is an engineer. He got into investing in the mid 2000s but didn't have much success with options until recently. As of September 2020, he began to trade full-time! Find out what got him to take the leap!
Matthew in Russia -- While Matt originally hails from Manchester, England, he began living in Russia in 2013. Having started trading at age 16, he got into options trading a few years later. Outside of traveling in Russia and experiencing new cultures, he walks Tom and Tony through his outlook on his trading portfolio, percentage returns, and tail risk.
This video and its content are provided solely by tastylive, Inc. (“tastylive”) and are for informational and educational purposes only. tastylive was previously known as tastytrade, Inc. (“tastytrade”). This video and its content were created prior to the legal name change of tastylive. As a result, this video may reference tastytrade, its prior legal name.